For many of our brands we provide a significant amount of information from a description of the product to more frequently asked questions such as if the product is eligible for refunds, or what their terms and conditions are. When a customer asks you a question about a particular brand you can always check in the Tillo Hub first and you might find the answer already available there. Here's the different information you can find on the brand information page:
1. The first section is the description. Brand are responsible for setting their own description, so this may be basic information to help familiarize a customer with the brand or it may include exciting upcoming updates about the brand such as an expansion in product availability.
2. The next section is basic information about the product itself such as the currency it is traded in, vat information, redemption methods and more! It looks like the below example:
3. The next section is titled digital product information. All information in this section relates to code details received digitally, that is to say, codes or urls received via the API. This contains useful information such as the smallest and largest amount a gift card can have, if there's any activation time, if it is eligible for refund, and what the expiration is. That looks like this:
4. The next section will not appear on all brands as it has all the information the last section has, but specifically as it applies to physical gift cards. Since not all our brands offer a physical card, it won't appear on some brand information pages. It looks like this:
5. The last section, although certainly not the least imporant section is called Key Links. This will vary slightly from brand to brand but will hopefully include the terms & conditions, a balance checker (if provided), and an FAQ for the brand. That looks like this:
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